Terms & Conditions
In using this website you are deemed to have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions:
We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter these terms and conditions at any time to which you are bound. Such changes and/or modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof.
Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your Tea Runners membership at any time. If you are on a 3, 6, or 12 month plan and wish to cancel before the term has ended, you will be refunded the remainder at the rate of the monthly plan.
For example: you signed up for a 6 month plan and have paid $127.50 ($21.25 per box). If you have received 3 boxes and wish to cancel, you will receive $127.50 -$25 -$25 -$25 = $52.20 refunded. (You will not receive $127.50 - $21.25 - $21.25 - $21.25 = $63.75 refunded.)
Authorization for Email Contact
By joining Tea Runners as a member or gift-sender, we collect some personal data, including your email address, in order to fulfill our service. You authorize Tea Runners to send you service notifications via email, such as delivery notifications, account updates, automated feedback requests, and more.
Customers creating new accounts with Tea Runners will also be automatically subscribed to the Tea Runners Mailing List for important announcements about our service. If you enter an email address for your a gift recipient they will also be added to our mailing list. Both new account members can unsubscribe for our mailing list emails at any time.
Use of this Website & Membership to Tea Runners
We will not tolerate the use of our site or services for illegal, abusive, or immoral purposes. What we believe is immoral is in our sole discretion and we reserve the right to ban any use which we believe crosses our boundaries of what we believe is decent.
We may also at our sole discretion decide we do not want to do business with you and may cease providing services to you.
If you file suit against us for more then you will responsible for our attorney’s fees and costs.